Well, I've got 9 days left in my 30 in 30 challenge. I know I am going to fail one of them (the 5K one) since that's out of the question now. :( But instead that day I am going to fulfill another one that's not bolded yet... which is go to a Phillies game! My rents are coming up and we're going on a double date to the ball game. Should be fun.

This past weekend I bought patio furniture for the front porch... but also a cool picnic table for the backyard! I'm super excited! Today I came home from work and Derek had set the whole chairs and table set up on the porch. It looks so cute! I really want to hang some Christmas lights or something to give it a little glitter. Haha.

I also went swimming with the oh-so-lovely Little Miss Scatterbrained. I got burnt though. :(

Hopefully I'll get that bike ride in soon.

Also I've been going through some life changes and while I'm relieved in a way.. I am also nervous. Curious? Inquire within. :P

1. Run a 5K!
2. Give Derek a haircut
3. Do a puzzle
4. Go for a bike ride
5. Make jam with peeps
6. Buy patio furniture
7. Learn a new recipe
8. Try some of the recipes in the HG books
9. Eat some fondue
10. Plant flowers in the front garden
11. Go to the library
12. Get a library card
13. Find a new book series to read
14. Cook something over an open fire
15. See Sex and the City with Kara @ Lil Miss Wisecracker
16. Go to the Schwenksville carnival!
17. Go to the Greek festival in Audubon with Jason
18. See people from P-Bread
19. Get icecream at a local icecream shoppe
20. Go swimming!

21. Go to a Phillies game
22. Have a picnic
23. Make a fairie world in my garden, hehehe.
24. Throw a girl's night in party with healthy snacks-- yummmmm!
25. Go to a yard sale
26. Make a bird feeder
27. Make homemade icecream
28. Try a new restaurant

29. Take Derek to see Eastern's campus
30. Go geocaching!


Let's swim again sooooooooon! No flesh wounds next time, though ;)

I wish I was able to swim with you guys :( :(

What's going on in life?

Way to go on your list! You're totally kicking my butt.

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