On Wednesday, Derek and I met my parents at Citizen's Bank Park for the Phillie's game against the Cleveland Indians. It was all in all a fun night. It was sooo hot-- almost 100 degrees out and we were sweating like none other. I stood up at one point and realized that the back of my pants were SOAKED with sweat. ... I looked like I had pissed myself! :( But eventually it dried and the night cooled down as the sun set. The Phillie's did well and it was a delightfully close game, which made it worth watching. We snacked on soft pretzels and popcorn and my Mom even bought me a Phillie's P to go on the back of my car. Yay!
But, by far the most entertaining and bizarre moment of the night was the halftime mascot non-sense. Usually a team's mascot won't travel with it when they leave town but because they're "friends" the Indian's mascot "Slider" came to visit the Phanatic. Well.. at one point it got a little awkward. Luckily, someone caught it on video and uploaded it onto Youtube. So now I can share it with you! :)
Tune in next time for a brand new... list! :O
Well, I've got 9 days left in my 30 in 30 challenge. I know I am going to fail one of them (the 5K one) since that's out of the question now. :( But instead that day I am going to fulfill another one that's not bolded yet... which is go to a Phillies game! My rents are coming up and we're going on a double date to the ball game. Should be fun.
This past weekend I bought patio furniture for the front porch... but also a cool picnic table for the backyard! I'm super excited! Today I came home from work and Derek had set the whole chairs and table set up on the porch. It looks so cute! I really want to hang some Christmas lights or something to give it a little glitter. Haha.
I also went swimming with the oh-so-lovely Little Miss Scatterbrained. I got burnt though. :(
Hopefully I'll get that bike ride in soon.
Also I've been going through some life changes and while I'm relieved in a way.. I am also nervous. Curious? Inquire within. :P
1. Run a 5K!
2. Give Derek a haircut
3. Do a puzzle
4. Go for a bike ride
5. Make jam with peeps
6. Buy patio furniture
7. Learn a new recipe
8. Try some of the recipes in the HG books
9. Eat some fondue
10. Plant flowers in the front garden
11. Go to the library
12. Get a library card
13. Find a new book series to read
14. Cook something over an open fire
15. See Sex and the City with Kara @ Lil Miss Wisecracker
16. Go to the Schwenksville carnival!
17. Go to the Greek festival in Audubon with Jason
18. See people from P-Bread
19. Get icecream at a local icecream shoppe
20. Go swimming!
21. Go to a Phillies game
22. Have a picnic
23. Make a fairie world in my garden, hehehe.
24. Throw a girl's night in party with healthy snacks-- yummmmm!
25. Go to a yard sale
26. Make a bird feeder
27. Make homemade icecream
28. Try a new restaurant
29. Take Derek to see Eastern's campus
30. Go geocaching!
It's been a crazy week. Last weekend was fun but didn't give me much time to "chill". I felt like I needed another weekend right after all the jam packed fun we had. But the week started non-the-less. I got a glorious night to myself on Tuesday when Derek went to NJ to visit his Mum. I came home from work, watched the Bachelorette (finally all caught up! haha), then ventured out to the library. The Schwenksville library people are soooooo much nicer. And I finally got a library card! The woman was so sweet and she was asking me what kind of books I like and we got to talking about how I'm going back to school soon and she was like "Well let me know if you need any books! This library is small (insert: friggin tiny) but I can always have books transferred over for you." She rocked. And I did pick up a couple of books to read. The one I'm reading now...
"The Boy Next Door" by Meg Cabot. She's cool and has a quirky sense of humor. And the whole book is a series of emails which is different and fun. I did find a few series I want to read (yay for checking off another thing from my 30 list!) but I couldn't find the books in the small ass S-ville library. Maybe someday next week I'll try looking in the E-ville library.
Starting on Wednesday my week got painfully insane. Work got crazy busy and we started coming in at 6am and sometimes not leaving until after 3. Generally I was working 9 hr days. One day I worked a 10.5 hr day. I could hardly walk when I got home. Blah! This in turn has meant that my running has suffered. It's hard to run when you feel like you can barely walk. Plus a couple of rainy days here and there made me miss a couple. So now I'm behind in training for my 5K and am really doubting that I'll be able to do it.
I went out running just now and my goal was to do 2 miles. Rather than concentrate on the time, I was trying to do mileage. Because a 5K isn't "run for 30 mins", it's "run for 3.1 miles". Well... I failed. Running mileage is so different than time because when you run for 20 mins it doesn't matter how fast or slow you go because you have to run the same amount of time. So I would usually just take it easy and go pretty slow. Well if I want to do this 5K without having to run for 45 mins straight I knew I needed to pick up my pace. And when running mileage it's tempting to go faster so that you're finished sooner. Well, I started out really good... but kinda fast. I was probably running a good 3 mins faster than normal. Well as you can imagine that didn't last too long. I did slow down after a while and then when I hit the 1.5 mile mark I just stopped. I had this awful pain in my side, I was bent over this railing trying not to puke or pass out. It sucked. :( I was hoping to just breathe for a minute and then keep going but I couldn't run anymore so I just walked the rest of the way home. It was so discouraging and now I really don't know if I can do the 5K. I can hardly run 1.5 miles... let alone doubling that. I dunno, it's frustrating. I could maybe do it if I just went slower but again...then I'd be running for like 45 mins. And the longest I've run so far has been 20. So...to double that time or to double that mileage... each way seems impossible. Ugh, depressing.
The good news is that I have been doing really well at accomplishing my list. I planted flowers in the front but most of them have died already. I don't think they get enough sun. And then downpour raining has ripped a lot of the flower heads off. It's a little frustrating since I put a lot of time and money into it. Oh well. At least I can check that off my list.
1. Run a 5K! (June 23rd baby)
2. Give Derek a haircut
3. Do a puzzle
4. Go for a bike ride
5. Make jam with peeps
6. Buy patio furniture
7. Learn a new recipe
8. Try some of the recipes in the HG books
9. Eat some fondue
10. Plant flowers in the front garden
11. Go to the library
12. Get a library card
13. Find a new book series to read
14. Cook something over an open fire
15. See Sex and the City with Kara @ Lil Miss Wisecracker
16. Go to the Schwenksville carnival!
17. Go to the Greek festival in Audubon with Jason
18. See people from P-Bread
19. Get icecream at a local icecream shoppe
20. Go swimming!
21. Go to a Phillies game
22. Have a picnic
23. Make a fairie world in my garden, hehehe.
24. Throw a girl's night in party with healthy snacks-- yummmmm!
25. Go to a yard sale
26. Make a bird feeder
27. Make homemade icecream
28. Try a new restaurant
29. Take Derek to see Eastern's campus
30. Go geocaching!
This weekend Derek and I are going to make homemade icecream and cook over our "new" firepit. So that will be two more! I am also hoping to go for a bike ride tomorrow morning on the Perk trail.
Oh, and, guess what? Today is mine and Derek's 7 month! :D
Sooo... out of 30... I've completed 8! And it's only the 6th! I think I'm doing pretty darn good. :)
I'll steal from Gen and highlight the ones I've done.
1. Run a 5K! (June 23rd baby)
2. Give Derek a haircut
3. Do a puzzle
4. Go for a bike ride
5. Make jam with peeps
6. Buy patio furniture
7. Learn a new recipe
8. Try some of the recipes in the HG books
9. Eat some fondue
10. Plant flowers in the front garden
11. Go to the library
12. Get a library card
13. Find a new book series to read
14. Cook something over an open fire
15. See Sex and the City with Kara @ Lil Miss Wisecracker
16. Go to the Schwenksville carnival!
17. Go to the Greek festival in Audubon with Jason
18. See people from P-Bread
19. Get icecream at a local icecream shoppe
20. Go swimming!
21. Go to a Phillies game
22. Have a picnic
23. Make a fairie world in my garden, hehehe.
24. Throw a girl's night in party with healthy snacks-- yummmmm!
25. Go to a yard sale
26. Make a bird feeder
27. Make homemade icecream
28. Try a new restaurant
29. Take Derek to see Eastern's campus
30. Go geocaching!
Friday night I went to the Greek festival with Jason, Brittany and Kara. We were hyper crazy and it was awesome. The fair itself was kinda blah but we had fun with the frog game and watching the Greek people dance. Opa!!
Then we decided to get icecream at a local icecream shop and it was yummmmm. Kara and I split a banana split (whoooo! Is that why it's called a banana split? lol!) J had to leave us to head to work so it left Britt, Kara and I to figure out if we should go home... or keep our random night going. We kept going! Off to Wawa for snacks and then to the movie theatre to see a late night showing of Sex and the City 2. Which was just barely okay. And then we ended the night with a shopping trip at 2am. It was awesome.
Saturday I slept like allll day and then D and I went to the Schwenksville carnival. It was about as exciting as the Greek one--- only this one had shaved ice and a ferris wheel.... which we both took part in. It wasn't bad. Then we got chinese and snuggled in for the night to watch some Firefly.
Now on this muggy Sunday, me and my three besties are going to pick strawberries and make jam! And I made an HG recipe to bring along to our canning party (jam session). Cold cuts + bean and cheese dip + sangria + besties = yay!
It's June now so there's only 30 days-- which is okay since I'm having a hard time coming up with 30 things anyhow. But I wanted to join in the fun! Here we goooo!
1. Run a 5K! (June 23rd baby)
2. Give Derek a haircut
3. Do a puzzle
4. Go for a bike ride
5. Make jam with peeps
6. Buy patio furniture
7. Learn a new recipe
8. Try some of the recipes in the HG books
9. Eat some fondue
10. Plant flowers in the front garden
11. Go to the library
12. Get a library card
13. Find a new book series to read
14. Cook something over an open fire
15. See Sex and the City with Kara @ Lil Miss Wisecracker
16. Go to the Schwenksville carnival!
17. Go to the Greek festival in Audubon with Jason
18. See people from P-Bread
19. Get icecream at a local icecream shoppe
20. Go swimming!
21. Go to a Phillies game
22. Have a picnic
23. Make a fairie world in my garden, hehehe.
24. Throw a girl's night in party with healthy snacks-- yummmmm!
25. Go to a yard sale
26. Make a bird feeder
27. Make homemade icecream
28. Try a new restaurant
29. Take Derek to see Eastern's campus
30. Go geocaching!
I tried to do numbero 12 today. That's get a library card. (Technically I did number 11-- I went to the library!) But they gave me a hard time about getting a library card because they needed proof of my residence but since my drivers license doesn't say that... nor does anything else I had on my person, I failed. Which was frustrating because I really want a book to read. Especially since it's supposed to be all rainy.
I'll probably try again tomorrow. Only this time I'll bring with me some mail. Muahaha!